We always try and get all order away as quickly as possible. We make everything to order ourselves in our studio workshop and if there is any delay in making your artwork we'll let you know. We aim to get all orders shipped within 3 working days - this may increase during busy times or for larger orders - but that's our target.
We ship worldwide and your location from us in Spain will naturally effect the delivery time (you can find more about our shipping times on our Shipping Policy page). Also any interruption in responding to proofs or questions regarding your order will result in a delay to getting your order on its way. We also have no control over the postal services once we put it in their hands - our lives would be SO much easier if we did!
With all that said we really have the utmost appreciation for postal services worldwide. It's remarkable what a good job they do in delivering our items to doors thousands of miles away.

BUT... If you are giving one of our items as a gift, and the date is rapidly approaching and it is still yet to arrive we're happy to email a personalized 'Certificate of Lateness' to you. Yes we know it's nothing like having the real thing in your hand, but at least you have something to show on the day to prove you were thinking about them, and you had something special made to order but it hasn't yet arrived!
Just contact us if you'd like one and we'll email it directly to you.